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Power Spring
قائمة موجزة بالمواضيع المنشورة::
Prestressed Power Spring
Power spring is the steel strip wound on an arbor and confined in a spring case. When a force rotates the spring, arbor will have relative motion with spring case and store rotational energy in the form of torque. When the force is removed, torque releases through the central arbor or the spring case in which it is restrained. The product range from 0.03~0.75mm in thickness and 1~50mm in width.
قائمة موجزة بالمواضيع المنشورة::
Power spring is the steel strip wound on an arbor and confined in a spring case. When a force rotates the spring, arbor will have relative motion with spring case and store rotational energy in the form of torque. When the force is removed, the spring will generate the energy of movement. The product range from 0.03~0.75mm in thickness and 1~50mm in width.